21 September 2024


The Omnific is a trio from Australia. Two bass players, Matt Fack and Toby Peterson-Stewart, and Jerome Lematua playing the drums. Some people object to a band with 2 basses; I like it. It might have a bit too much energy for first thing in the morning however. Give the caffeine a chance to do its thing for a few minutes, and then hit play.

I found these guys via Spotify last year. I'm guessing they were included in a playlist, probably one of the "Top 40" - or whatever playlists - though that is only a guess.

This is "Will-O'-The-Wisp" by The Omnific from the 2024 album The Law of Augmenting Returns. I find this video completely annoying. I usually do, but this one has been turned up to 11. Listen to the song, but browse a different tab.

Spotify has a series of playlists. "Rock This," "Kickass Metal" (if memory serves), and a couple of others that list the top songs by genre in terms of streams. They do a fair job of cutting through the Pop Music schlock, though some of it is still awful. Still it is a good way to find new music.

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