28 June 2024

Snarky Jay Body Slams Kathleen Kennedy and Star Wars

Snarky Jay (Jay Fett) is a YouTube creator and cosplayer. She has a few thoughts for Kathleen Kennedy on why she doesn't like what has been done to Star Wars. No one does. Star Wars: The Acolyte has angered people who don't consider themselves fans. #RIPStarWars

I only tripped across Snarky Jay, because her YouTube channel was mentioned in a video by Tyrone Magnus. While I watch a lot of Tyrone's reaction videos, I didn't watch all of this one, but watched the original. I do like some of Tyrone's reactions/reviews.

Actually, most of the YT videos I have seen that take the stuffing out of KK, Star Wars, and Lucasfilm in general, are more entertaining than anything put out by Disney in the past half decade. (Do we need to discuss Indiana Jones and the Insufferable Feminist?)

This is the video A LETTER to KATHLEEN KENNEDY… from STAR WARS' TOXIC FANBASE, which is actually from Snarky Jay. There is a somewhat annoying sponsor/ad from 1:26 to 3:54, but you have to give Jay credit, for knowing who her core audience is.

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