14 May 2024

Reality Intrudes on CNN

Reality and CNN are not too things often connected. From the The Other McCain: Even CNN Has to Admit Biden’s Losing

Speaking as “someone worried about the prospects of a second Trump term,” Fareed Zarkaria yesterday told his viewers on CNN, “I think it’s best to be honest about reality,” i.e., Biden’s losing.

Because you know how Trump destroyed the country in his first term. Or maybe not.

Understand that Fareed Zakaria is not just a liberal, but a liberal who works at CNN, an echo-chamber/bubble/hivemind of Democrat partisanship, a media organization with zero balance. So if things look so gloomy for Biden that Zakaria is not only able to see it, but is allowed to say it on the air at CNN? Yeah, it’s very bad for Biden.

There is more, including what Dems might do to take the nomination away from Biden. Click Thru.

1 comment:

  1. You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows


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