24 May 2024

Is DEI Just a Grift?

It seems that at least one "DEI chief" is a grifter. Meta Platforms Ex-Employee Furlow-Smiles Face 5 years in Prison for $5 Million Occupational Fraud

In a striking case of corporate fraud, Barbara Furlow-Smiles, a former global diversity executive at Facebook, now Meta Platforms, Inc., was sentenced to five years and three months in prison for stealing a total of more than $5 million from those companies.

Personally, I find it hard to get upset that F*c*book was taken to the cleaners for $5 million. That is chump change for the likes of Meta. I am glad to see that the nature of people running DEI at large corporations is being exposed.

To sustain her scheme, Furlow-Smiles recruited a diverse group of individuals, including friends, relatives, former interns, nannies, babysitters, a hair stylist, and her university tutor. These accomplices played various roles in receiving payments and returning kickbacks. Additionally, she manipulated company funds to benefit herself directly, such as paying nearly $10,000 to an artist for speciality portraits and over $18,000 in preschool tuition fees.

Her "university tutor" was involved. I take that to be a faculty advisor. They didn't mention the name of the university. Are we shocked to learn that a DEI (or whatever) mentor is willing to take part in a crime scheme? I'm not.

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