29 May 2024

Don't Bring a Pizza Cutter to a Gunfight

And neighbors were shocked. Man armed with pizza cutter charged at Nash deputy before being shot, sheriff says

I'm not even surprised that I got to write that post title.

Nash County, North Carolina is about 20 miles east of Raleigh.

A couple was going about their morning routine when it was interrupted by a stranger, who burst into their kitchen and stole the pizza cutter out of the sink.

According to Sheriff Keith Stone, the homeowner provided a description of the man who had broken into his home and stolen some items. The man then took off on foot down US-64 Alt. and encountered the deputy on Big Jim Road.

Stone says the man, who was armed with a pizza cutter, then charged at the deputy, who fired one shot.

The deputy was not injured. The guy with the pizza cutter is in critical condition.

As for the neighbor homeowner, he is shocked to discover that he is not protected by his zip code.

"I'm still shocked [because] you just never expect this," Vandermeulen said.

I don't usually features stories about cops defending themselves, because that is not what I'm focused on, and it is a good way to get wrapped up in controversy, but this story is too perfectly bizarre to ignore.

As the Other McCain always says, Crazy People Are Dangerous.

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