20 June 2024

Sweden Deteriorating

From The Other McCain we get The Warning From Sweden

Sweden has a population of about 10.5 million, or about the same as the state of North Carolina. Twenty years ago, you had to seek out “far right” sources (which, of course, I did) to learn anything about the problems caused by immigration in Sweden. Many of the atrocity tales came from the city of Malmö which, for some reason, was a magnet for Third World immigration and Malmö became notorious as a “no-go zone” ruled by violent foreign gangs. After the surge of migrants circa 2015, however, a taboo topic that was once relegated to obscure right-wing blogs has recently become the subject of mainstream journalism.

And gun violence has risen in Sweden to alarming levels.

In terms of gun violence, Sweden has become the Chicago of Europe, so to speak: “Twenty years ago, crimes involving firearms were almost non-existent [in Sweden]. Yet in 2022 the gun murder rate in capital Stockholm was around 25 times higher than in London.”

Gun crime is not the only sort. Bombings are quite common in part of Sweden.

Click thru for more. Crime statistics. Immigration statistics. Analysis.

This is not news to me. Here are some of my old posts on Sweden:

There are more, but the further back you go, the more likely you are to encounter dead links.

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