07 June 2024

Good Guys 1, Bad Guys 0

First he got shot; then he was arrested. This could also be titled, "Don't bring a candlestick to a gunfight." Report: Woman shoots Pensacola man in self-defense, man arrested

This is a domestic violence incident.

The report states they started arguing again when Smith began to push and pull her off the couch. The woman went to her bedroom to get away from him, but Smith followed her.

According to the report, the woman said Smith picked up a glass candle holder and held it as if he was going to hit her with it. He then hit her once.

And since he was still threatening her, she got a gun and shot him.

Cops located Denard Smith a short distance from the home, and took him to a local hospital for treatment of a gunshot wound. Then they took him to lockup, where he is being held without bail.

Self defense is a human right, and in Florida it is mostly your legal right.

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