24 May 2024

How Should a Woman Defend Herself and Her Family?

If she didn't have a gun, what should she have done? Burglar shot by woman protecting her family inside Kissimmee home, deputies say

He was in the home. The woman retreated to a bedroom with her family. When the cops arrived they ordered him to leave the home. He didn't.

They said they ordered David Martinez-Estrada to exit a home, but he went further into the home instead.

Deputies said a woman then shot him when he forced his way into the bedroom that she and her family were in.

So I wish that the gun-hating part of the Left would tell me what else she could have done. She called the police and barricaded herself and her family in a room. When the cops got there, the situation got worse, and she was forced to defend herself. Would the world be a better place if this guy was able to hold her hostage?

Deputies in Osceola County said a burglary suspect is facing charges after being shot by a homeowner.

Osceola County, Florida is suburban Orlando, basically. It includes Kissimmee, and starts about 10 or 12 miles south of downtown Orlando.

Self-defense is a human-right, and in Florida, it is mostly your legal right.

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