14 May 2024

Gun Free Zones Do Not Make You Safe

I am not interested in whether or not you feel safe. I am interested in actually being safe. Campus protests highlight need for campus carry | Opinion

This is why I call "gun free zones" defenseless victim zones. That is what they truly are.

The editorial starts with quote from Florida Governor Ron D. about how protests such as those at UCLA and Harvard would get you suspended or expelled in Florida.

That’s well and good, but expelling students or even having campus police nearby doesn’t necessarily forestall a dangerous situation. What is proven to most effectively prevent threats is the robust presence of the Second Amendment. As such, gun-free zones on Florida’s campuses should be eliminated to empower students with their constitutional rights.

Now personally, armed or not, being in the presence of these protests/riots, armed or not, qualifies as a violation of the Rules of Stupid. But under more normal circumstances, disarming the population only shifts the balance to the bad guys.

But then there are those who believe that the government is morphing into the bad guys. I'm not quite there yet, but I have no faith in most of them, and of course the police are not there to protect you or me. Even if they wanted to protect everyone, when seconds count they are only minutes away.

After some thoughts on the protests, the editorial above does go on to discuss a few incidents from 2014 including one sexual assault on the campus of FSU. Later the victim would give a statement to the press.

She told the press that, though she had pepper spray and “ran for blue lights,” her attacker had a knife and was “faster, stronger.” [she] added that, with a gun, the outcome would have been different. “The way that I carry it now, I would have been able to prevent what happened to me.”

Click thru for more.

‡ The Rules of Stupid, courtesy of John Correia of Active Self Protection:

The Rules of Stupid: Don’t go Stupid places, with Stupid people, at Stupid times, and do Stupid things. Break one and you might be okay. Break 2 or more Rules of Stupid, though, and you’re in trouble.

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